Selasa, 26 April 2011

Love Story

Love poems to Fira

 I opened my eyes that was so reluctant to make friends with who had picked me up in the morning before I realized I was asleep in bed. With the weight I was trying to calm the promptings of me that wants back asleep without ignoring the morning sun. There was the faint strains of melodious tones from the direction of my desk that seemed to say good morning to me.
"... I kept my feelings so deep, I kept my dreams of you and me somewhere inside. Although I prayed That you Would see it in my eyes, But this is my last chance to say What's in my heart before you stay out of my life And then you'll understand the way I feel inside ... "
  Piece of the lyrics immediately caught by the natural conscious lately has often once I listened to when they accompany the walls in my bedroom is mute. Perfect! I whispered to himself, greeting the morning a very "warm", until I remembered a conversation in cyberspace between me and someone last night who is running very short, dense and obscure! For the first time after several months I knew him.
I rubbed my eyes with fingers that look tired after a long night picking my guitar strings softly before falling asleep. My eyes moved toward the wall clock that has been lifeless after this room I left empty since a few days ago. And the song that welcomes the "warm" my morning was still dialunkan with tunable by Julie Iris Fernandez, MYMP vocalist, from an object with a height of approximately 40 cm of ordinary people call a "speaker", but I'm more comfortable calling it "Roommate". Ridiculous indeed, but that's the usual thing to accompany me to sleep in a room that was not too spacious. The ball my eyes immediately searched for a common object with me wherever I am, yes a little black phone that is always present in me. In addition to call and send short messages, the phone was always into the flow through the poems of my heart that my usual type, and I put them on the phone.
"Ah .. there are two Message" I whispered hoarsely and slightly hoarse.
"Fira ..."
The first message contains only Wa'alaikumsalam, a second message containing the two words, morning and well, and as usual Fira always end the sentence with an exclamation mark, just like someone who had filled my heart 6 years lalu.Nampak different than usual, full of suspicion and fikirku suddenly feels very different this morning.
Still with little ling-lung and a sense of disappointment in the liver, for some reason, I began to think hard when I started to fall asleep. All I remember just stayed on my bed looking at my bedroom ceiling of a mosque after dawn earlier. Maybe I fell asleep last time daydream, fikirku while trying not too ignored.
  It was once held up my body weight, the air is very cold this morning made me even more reluctant to face the morning that feels very empty. Also, I stay up too late last night, or maybe more should be called "morning". Still reflected in my mind how my eyes with a mischievous rebel wanting to stay awake waiting for the dawn of less than 2 hours longer present. And finally I fell asleep at 2:30 o'clock this morning after more than 2 hours talking to my friend who has known since at level 1 on the campus. and now we've been level 4. But, last night was the first time I seriously confide to him after 3 years knew him. Because before I ever keep a sense of him, but eventually I realized that people like him more comfortable when used as companions.
  All the words he suddenly flashed back in my ear leaf, and like the passage of time in the movie Back To The Future, fikiranku drift away into the incident last night.
"Now you can not ngelakuin nothing, To. You can only wait patiently then I'll answer all the time. Anyway you've said it emang if you do not go out. "Shrill woman's voice was still with me faithfully through the advice-advice, he was the Earl, my friend who already knew since level 1.
"I agree with you, Din. But do not know why it always comes out feeling in my heart. And if so already, I quickly mengikisnya. I do not want too much hope into something that is still vague. But, sometimes the speeches he seemed to give the opportunity, but sometimes seemed to shut that door for me. "I said softly.
"It's really inhumane times, To. Naturally, if we have the desire to have someone we care about. So is the feeling of wanting to protect. "
"But the feeling is the most I hate, Din!" My voice slightly up from the previous. My chest felt very tight as if trapped in wooden cabinets weighing 2 tons. I tried to calm himself while inhaling a deep breath and accompanied by a rebound tunable menghelanya clearly captured by the ear.
".. Nothing is hidden, no need to deny your pain, my pain. No more excuses, this is the truth ... "
  Melodious voice Aqi Alexa Dewi Lestari and fishing my heart to shout louder, until I felt more deeply to the name of the woman who stole my heart was in my blood flowing wrapped in longing that can not be shortchanged.
"... I am also aware of his own, in the early morning quiet.
But what's common, but both quasi-alone ... "
"I'm too dramatizes! I was too carried away! Weak! ", I shouted to myself. And still trying to ignore upheavals that blow naughty in my chest, I tried to continue what I said earlier to the Earl.
"I'm not ready for the worst, Din. Not to mention the Andrew also likes to him. And she's already a story to me if he likes Fira before this feeling exists, Din! "I was a little shaky when he said this, my chest tightness shortly. It seems not the heart, Andrew has been a long time friend who I knew, even before I knew Earl.
"He, I know. Either mindset where, from the first there is always a presumption that the first story and ngasih to friends, who have the means. Ga I agree with the way of thinking like that. "Dini tried to reinforce his opinion.
"Andrew just like a moment perhaps, just bcanda-bcandaan aja. You know how he was the one. "Dini like trying to comfort me.
"That's, Din! I know what she banged, Din. I more than you know about Andrew. If he already likes the same person, he'll really like it, do not fool around. "
"And I know people who really hate him of treason." I do not know where the word occurs suddenly crossed my mind. And now I'm starting to think I was more despicable than Wormtail who betrayed Harry Potter's parents until they die at the hands of Voldemort.
"That's not treason, To! That's very reasonable. God has breathed the sweet voice. Everything was set by God. "
"You know it when Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali ra equally apply Fattimah Az-Zahrah, putrid Prophet Muhammad SAW? but when Ali, who was married to Fatima, the relationship of Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali still fine. Everything that you guys just need to mature in thinking. "
  I was quiet for a moment not to say anything, some of my soul a little greeting tersemangati by Dini. But another part of my soul still could not accept it. It crossed my mind how I wish I did not know Andrew. Think this is too big for me in and kill this feeling, I've actually lost in feeling this love, my admiration stems from him. Maturity berfikirnya way, the attitude of social awareness that indiscriminate, noble ideals and his love of the divine. This last thing that made me really fall in love with him.
"He's really idamanku type wife.", I said to myself.
"Antonio!" Early vote breaking my reverie.
"Uh .. sorry Din, I daydream said."
"He knows the hearts of me, Din. I told them that day, but did not have said I love you, I love you or I like you. I just said I admire him and want to know him deeper, but not courtship. 've No time to fool around anymore like that, Din. "
"He, I also agree with you about going out, To. But if I may ask, how does the beginning memangnya you can ngungkapin admiration you that? When did it happen? How come I do not know about? "Says Earl, no less specifically with the police who were interrogating a cold-blooded murderer who had killed a village! Ah! Thoughts increasingly erratic.
"Long, Din. And complicated ...", I started to remember the beginning of every story. The beginning of this love, admiration the beginning of this, the beginning of a sweet girl named Fira covered.
  And I found one point.
One point which I regard as the beginning of Fira know this feeling. Although actually it all began long before that night. A night full of heart rate bedegup tight, a night filled with the vortex of the brain, a night full of unexpected events, an evening of free chains on my heart!
Starting from the full moon, the sound of the waves along the sea breeze, and a story,
a poem longing,
to Fira ...
Orange and blue combined,
As imagined pseudo-gray,
Whisper sky put me to sleep,
Lelapkanku in shadow,
As if the sky turned against me,
Tearing the heart in fetters,
I passed slowly waiting,
When the heart is saying your name,
And between real and virtual rumble,
My heart looks at you ...

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

TUGAS Dialogue

1.(dialogue) Percakapan
ENDAH: Hello my name is endah, what is your name?
LINA:      hay,my name is lina
ENDAH: oh, your name is lina,nice too meet you!
LINA:      nice too meet you too!

2.( make an appointment) membuat janji

Ika:        a hot day today isn’t it?
Linda:   I think so
Ika:       what can we do this afternoon? Any plan?
Linda:  what about going to swim at water land.
Ika:       that’s a good idea.what time shall we leave?
Linda:  three o’clock ok?
Ika:       see you then, bye!
Linda:  bye…bye

3. (say thanks) Berterima kasih dan jawabannya:

Emi: Can I help you to bring your book?
Ani: oh of course,thank you for your offering a help!
Emi: yes,no problem

4.( compliment) pujian dan jawabannya

Elma: you look great! Excellent and nice work
Rina: thanks for your compliment

5.compliment and Attemption

Amira: what a nice dress,sir. You look very nice!
Wijaya: oh really?
Amira: yes I think so
Wijaya: oh thanks for your compliment.

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011


1.Cinta adalah sebuah perasaan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan pada sepasang manusia untuk saling…. (saling mencintai, saling memiliki, saling memenuhi, saling pengertian dll)
•Love is a feeling that given by God on a pair of human beings to each other .... (love each other, have each other, meet each other, mutual understanding etc.)
2.Cinta itu adalah sesuatu yang murni, putih, tulus dan suci yang timbul tanpa adanya paksaan atau adanya sesuatu yang dibuat-buat,
•Love is something pure, white, sincere and pure that arise without any coercion or there is something artificial,
3.Cinta adalah memberikan kasih sayang bukannya rantai. Cinta juga tidak bisa dipaksakan dan datangnya pun kadang secara tidak di sengaja.
•Love is giving love instead of chains. Love also can not be imposed and sometimes are not even coming on accidentally.
4.Cinta adalah perasaan hangat yang mampu membuat kita menyadari betapa berharganya kita, dan adanya seseorang yang begitu berharga untuk kita lindungi.
•Love is a feeling of warmth that can make us realize how precious we are, and the presence of someone so precious to us to protect.
5.Cinta itu adalah sebuah perasaan yang tidak ada seorangpun bisa mengetahui kapan datangnya, bahkan sang pemilik perasaan sekalipun.
•Love is a feeling that no one can know when to come, even though the owner's feelings.
6.Cinta itu bisa membuat orang buta akan segalanya hanya demi rasa sayang terhadap sang kekasih
•Love can make people blind to everything just for the sake of love for her lover
7.Cinta adalah sesuatu hal yang sulit kita tebak karena terkadang cinta dapat membuat kita sakit dan dapat membuat kita melupakan segalanya cintapun dan memberikan kegembiraan,dan yang paling utama bagi kita
•Love is something that is difficult to guess because sometimes love can make us sick and can make us forget everything cintapun and give joy, and most of all for us
8.cinta dapat memberi kesejukan,karena cinta tak dapat kita sentuh tp hanya bisa kita rasakan dalam hati dan jiwa kita,seperti embun yang datang dipagi hari dan hembusan angin yang membuat kita sejuk tp tak dapat kita sentuh
•love to give coolness, because love can not we touch the tp only can we feel in our hearts and our souls, like the dew that comes in the morning and gusts of wind that makes us cool but we can not touch
9.Cinta merupakan anugerah yang tak ternilai harganya dan itu di berikan kepada makhluk yang paling sempurna, manusia. Cinta tidak dapat diucapkan dengan kata-kata, tidak dapat dideskripsikan dengan bahasa apapun.
•Love is a priceless gift and it was given to the most perfect creature, man. Love can not be uttered in words, can not be described by any language.
10.Cinta sebenarnya adalah membiarkan orang yang kita cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kita inginkan.
•Love actually is to let those we love be perfectly themselves and not turn it into the image we want.


•Menjalani hidup seperti air yang mengalir bebas tanpa ada pembatas maksudnya harus hidup dengan apa adanya karena hidup itu ada sebab maka juga ada akibat.
•live life like water that flows freely without any barrier means having to live with what they are because life is there because then there is also a result of

motto hidup

•Jalanilah hidup dengan meniru ilmu padi yang semakin berisi semakin menunduk yang berarti semakin memiliki ilmu tinggi semakin rendah hati
•Live it life imitating science with an increasingly rice contains more down which means more and have a high science of the more humble