Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

TUGAS Dialogue

1.(dialogue) Percakapan
ENDAH: Hello my name is endah, what is your name?
LINA:      hay,my name is lina
ENDAH: oh, your name is lina,nice too meet you!
LINA:      nice too meet you too!

2.( make an appointment) membuat janji

Ika:        a hot day today isn’t it?
Linda:   I think so
Ika:       what can we do this afternoon? Any plan?
Linda:  what about going to swim at water land.
Ika:       that’s a good idea.what time shall we leave?
Linda:  three o’clock ok?
Ika:       see you then, bye!
Linda:  bye…bye

3. (say thanks) Berterima kasih dan jawabannya:

Emi: Can I help you to bring your book?
Ani: oh of course,thank you for your offering a help!
Emi: yes,no problem

4.( compliment) pujian dan jawabannya

Elma: you look great! Excellent and nice work
Rina: thanks for your compliment

5.compliment and Attemption

Amira: what a nice dress,sir. You look very nice!
Wijaya: oh really?
Amira: yes I think so
Wijaya: oh thanks for your compliment.